Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lung cancer

Panama Decisions and Punishments

audio conference calling Lung cancer
Hi people today I went reading the Google News and I saw this new about Panama, terrorism, punishments, and drugs. So in Panama they lung cancer have decided that when people injure or kill other people will punish in jail and they will have more years than it usually do. According to the law of Panama a person who do some kind of terrorist attacks will be punish from 20 to 30 years on jail. It depends on how many people did he injured or killed. And also if he gives herself to the authorities or he needed to be persecuted. Also in their laws they have changed that now people who try to damage the Panama Canal will be punished from 10 to 15 years. They also increased the years in jail if someone sexually abuses another person or traffic illegal drugs. I found this info on lung cancer

Terrorism on England.
Hi people, today I found this interesting article about Terrorism, my TLP subject. The article was about nine men that were arrested because they were planning a terrorist attacks on England. According to the police they were going to kidnap an England soldier to assassinate him and put the images of the assassination at Internet. These situations are very common around the world but according to the article this will be the first one happening on England. For the police to get this assassins are very hard so most time they can’t find them, neither the soldier nor person kidnapped. In this case the nine men were founded at Birmingham. These men were captured thanks to a group of espionage and the police of the city. They get these men by 6 months of private investigation. Most of the people killed by this type of terrorism are Muslims. I found the information on Spanish at this page

Job Kills

Its not a joke is a real situation happening in the world. Many people dying in their daily job and is not a job like military, are jobs that have nothing to see with weapons, death or anything like that. Last year at Spain, 1.338 people died in their job or going to their job. 992 people died in their job and 372 died going or getting back from job. On the 16 of January a man who was the rider of a bus was killed by his bus. People had asked that they investigate this situation because it’s not normal that a man who rides a bus is killed by going up on him. They ask authorities to investigate because someone took the bus and killed him. Maybe was an accident by him but many of these situations occurring everyday but sometimes people have luck and they continue with life. I read this article from The same day a man at Barcelona was killed by a machine that makes the road. As it looks it was another worker who didn’t see him and he passed the machine over him. In conclusion, I think people should always be careful and always think before they act.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lung cancer

Hi again people. Yesterday I went with some friends to the theater. I went to see ( Blood Diamond). The movie was very good and I had a good time with my friends. But after the movie, I realized what the movie was lung cancer about. Then I saw and it was a coincidence that the movie was about terrorism and my subject of the TLP lung cancer project is also about it. Well the movie is about a war on Sierra Leona (Africa). So there is a group of people that is against the government. Those people take out kids and men to work for them. They put the kids to use weapons and the men to lung cancer work at searching diamond. The kids at first were scared but then they give them lung cancer drugs. Later when they saw their parents, they were other people they want to kill their parents and that part was sad because they show how the kids talk very hard to their parents. Then the movie focuses on a man that finds a big diamond so he put it in between his feet fingers. So later he ask to go to the bathroom and then a man check him up if he has a diamond but he doesn’t find it. He goes to the bathroom and he buried it up. Then he gets back to work and the government arrives so everyone escapes. Finally he gets to jail but a man that knows about the diamond gets him out. After they went to a complete journey to find the diamond and many people died. I won’t tell you the end because I really recommend it to see it. Find out who dies and who gets the diamond. The move is based on real events because at the end of the movie it says, that many kids do join the war as soldiers, also says how many people die yearly because of this situation of the transport of diamond. At the end of the movie it also shows many people with posters that say “Diamonds equals people dying”. And it’s the sadly truth.

Well, I think this is a very cool movie that shows the real situation. This was a very cool form to give information and learn about my topic. I will try to keep learning by these methods which are very good. I hope that I could use this to make my project. Because as well that I enjoyed the movie the other people will enjoy my project. I think I will make my project like, I dramatize the situation and at the end I will put real facts and every information that is necessary for the people to understand more the topic.

Well, I hope you see the movie and if you see it put a comment on my blog about how was the movie to you. For more information about the movie look at this page were I get some information. But you could search it on a english page.


Lung cancer

Hi! lung cancer Today I am going to tell you more about what is going on with the terrorist attacks on Madrid (the one I talk you before). Well yesterday I went reading the Google News and I saw that they have been eliminating people that were accused of the attacks of 11 of March. At first 29 of them were accused but by hard judge decisions they had being eliminated some. Now they are only 4. So today I went again on Google News and I saw that they have chose a man. Jamal Zougam lung cancer is the name of the only accused of being related with the bombs on Madrid but he was not the only responsible so the judges are still lung cancer
searching for another responsible. But today the This is a foto of the one man acussed.

Audio conference calling
judges had just decided to leave lung cancer it like this until Monday. I hope they get the other responsible and I think on Monday they will put information on Google News about it so I tell you who the other responsibles are. This has been the mayor terrorist attack on Spain, I hope you liked my post and my subject and also check out the TeenLifeProject Wiki so you could join my group and work together.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lung cancer

Hi, Today I went looking at some news and facts about my topic, terrorism. And I saw something really interesting. It was about the Terrorism attacks of 11 of March 2004 at the trains. I think must of you remember that, were the trains were exploded by a bomb and many people died. That day I was getting out of my house and suddenly I saw the news. I get nervous because my Uncle and my grandparents live on Madrid. I was more scared about my uncle because he usually takes trains or buses to get to his job. Well, finally I went to school and that day I get late because I stayed at my house seeing the news. Then I came out of school and I get to my house so I asked my father about it. lung cancerHe said me that he called to Spain and everything was ok. I knew that and I relaxed because neither my lung cancer grandparents nor my uncle was at the train.
gold lung cancer
191 people died aand 1,824 were injured in the 11 March 2004 bombings of Madrid
commuter trains

I learned that there can be many terrorism attacks in many ways and that always they want to kill the innocents. Really, I knew about this new but when it happened I don’t focus on why, how, and who. Now that I read the new I see that they haven’t get the responsible of this. But they have 29 men that are accused to be the responsible. Tomorrow the 15 of February they will go on trial and they will put them inside a room with a glass and many judges surrounding them. I hope they found out which is the real responsible and take him to jail. I also want to investigate which will be the punishment for the men; I guess it would be hard. But according to the Spanish law, the maximum of years you could be on jail is 40. I think they should send him to a high security jail and keep them there more than 40 years. Many of the people that are accused with already many years of jail that means they are not new on this things.

I think people make this disaster is totally crazy and some of them is a pride for the religion but they make suffer many people. I also think it would be a difficult decision of the judge to choose the correct man. But I am sure that if the one who did it is not arrested, sometime at his life will be punished. I am really sad about this terrorist attack and I hope every day they are less terrorist attacks. Another thing that is very sad is the twin towers attack which hundreds of people died. This are all attacks from the terrorist all around the world that happens every day but in some places are worst than others.

In conclusion, I want to now more the major terrorist attacks and also I want to expand my subject to related drugs with terrorism. Here in Colombia is related and because those terrorist makes drugs all the Colombian people are getting a bad image because of some people. Like in movies were whenever Colombia appears it is related with drugs. I hope some day these terrorists become citizen and that Colombia improves their image.


Monday, February 05, 2007

lung cancer

lung cancer Teen Life Project Terrorism Terrorism is a main issue in the entire world. It affects all or most of the countries. Some countries like Iraq are the most affected by terrorism. Some countries like Switzerland have almost no terrorism. In our country we also suffer of terrorism not specially lung cancer Cartagena but in general Colombia. In Colombia there is a group of people against the government called “guerrilla”. They make attack like bombs and they kidnap people so sometimes they ask for money or they kill the person. lung cancerThe government sometimes tries to make exchanges of people that are kidnapped for the people captured by the military forces. The “guerrilla” travels in the forest, mountains and places were militaries can’t find them. The government has a plan which is that the people of the “guerrilla” give their weapons and they stop being terrorists. The government finds them work, gives them money, and they become a normal citizen. By this program many terrorist has become normal citizen and that is a great step to transform Colombia in to a safe place. Another problem related with terrorism is kids on the “guerrilla”. On Colombia and the entire world many kids that should be playing with toys or playing soccer they are having the risk of dying. On the T.V there are many commercials that appear a kid totally covered with a uniform and he is in a combat. And then he gets to a lake and there are kids playing in it. He stays still looking at the kids and suddenly a man hits him with a punch so he focuses on the combat. Other commercial appears a pair of hand writing in a computer, another hands getting crops, another ones cooking and at the end it asks “ and your hands what are doing with the country?”. Finally it appears a man shooting a weapon against the Colombian Army. This commercial are very good because it makes you think and especially if you are terrorist. Effects of terrorism Another problem Colombia faces is the effects of terrorism. Some people that live on towns that are near mountains or were terrorist are, are constantly attacked. Many times people need to move from their houses because terrorists ask for them. And If you resist you will be probably killed. But don’t think like in Cartagena we face does problems. Cartagena has none or very few attacks of terrorists, that’s why we say its safe.
Criminal lawyer In our capital, Bogota they are many terrorist attacks and many kidnaps. About 2 months ago there were some people at a park that were leaving there because the terrorist get them out of their houses. In conclusion, I think Colombia has problems like any other country and I think the only way to get rid of this terrorists is by making an agreement. Many times the president goes to talk with them but they never get to an agreement, I hope this problem is solved and although it doenst affect me. I know many people are daily affected by this people.
