Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lung cancer

Hi! lung cancer Today I am going to tell you more about what is going on with the terrorist attacks on Madrid (the one I talk you before). Well yesterday I went reading the Google News and I saw that they have been eliminating people that were accused of the attacks of 11 of March. At first 29 of them were accused but by hard judge decisions they had being eliminated some. Now they are only 4. So today I went again on Google News and I saw that they have chose a man. Jamal Zougam lung cancer is the name of the only accused of being related with the bombs on Madrid but he was not the only responsible so the judges are still lung cancer
searching for another responsible. But today the This is a foto of the one man acussed.

Audio conference calling
judges had just decided to leave lung cancer it like this until Monday. I hope they get the other responsible and I think on Monday they will put information on Google News about it so I tell you who the other responsibles are. This has been the mayor terrorist attack on Spain, I hope you liked my post and my subject and also check out the TeenLifeProject Wiki so you could join my group and work together.



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